I have been seeing lots of tutors and students using our fabulous library in the resource room. The books there are certainly for your use during your time at tutoring. As you begin to get to know your student, guide them to choose books that are a good fit for their reading abilities. Choosing books that fit their reading level (being able to read a full page without struggling with more than five words) will boost their confidence and comprehension skills. Let your student choose books that they enjoy as well, and if it is too hard, share reading the parts of the story and take turns reading out loud to each other. If your student is intimidated by seeing a lot of words on one page, have them use a sheet of paper to cover some words. This way, they can focus on one area at a time. After looking over the DORA test, comprehension seems to be the category that students are having difficulty with the most. Remember to always ask questions before, during, and after reading. Create good conversation and help choose "just right" books and you are sure to see a pathway to great reading.
Sometimes our students need a little push in the right direction, and that direction could help make a significant leap in their reading skills!
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