
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Managing Your Time

These long winter days can make coming to tutoring after a long days work feel long and boring, especially when it is dark and cold outside.  But really, by the time you arrive to tutoring, find your student, get to the classroom, put your coats and bags down and get settled in your chairs, there might be only an hour or an hour and fifteen minutes left to get some work accomplished.  That is not a lot of time, especially when you only see your student once a week.  That hour is so very important and you should be utilizing your time together to the fullest.

Always begin your session by focusing on the most valuable activity first.  Maybe your student needs practice on their multiplication facts.  Take five to ten minutes and work on that math area, then begin on something else.   There is always SOMETHING that you could be working on together that focuses on a goal or skill that your child is working towards.  Their homework should reflect what they are learning in school as well as skills that they should be focusing on.  Practicing those skills before beginning homework together, can make doing the homework a bit easier and less stressful. 

Maximize your time to the fullest.  Use each minute productively but allow time for brief mental and physical breaks, like getting some water, playing a game, or using the computer lab.  This can restore energy and help make the rest of your time together working more efficient.  We all need that extra burst of energy at this time in the evening.  By using your time wisely, you will also be teaching your student responsibility.  We all have to maintain balance in our lives with work, family, friends, etc.  Show your student how to do the same, even if it is only for an hour.

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